Thursday, December 18, 2014

Good Bye Mrs. Linneman

Thursday December 18, 2014

Today was a bittersweet day in our classroom.  We had an awesome day learning about Jesus birth, making Christmas decorations, reading some fun Christmas stories, playing outside in the snow and painting the snow.  It has been an amazing first half of the year as we have watched these little people grow in so many ways!  I am so excited to see what is in store for us the second half of the school year! 

Today was also a sad day for us all as today was Mrs. Linneman’s last day with us.  She has brought so much joy, love, craziness and fun to our classroom.  We all will miss her smile and great personality when we return in January.  We look to forward when she is able to visit us and come give us hugs and high fives.  I am very proud to call Mrs. Linneman my friend and colleague, I am also so proud of all she has accomplished over the past couple of years and wish her all the success as she gets ready to head into the final year of getting her education degree. Please keep her in her thoughts and prayers as she continues her schooling next semester.  I will update you through out the semester on how she is doing. 

Enjoy reading about and viewing the pictures from our fun filled day!  

Jesus Time: Today we continued the Christmas Story and with the help of visual aides we learned how Mary and Joseph had to make a long journey to Bethlehem and when they arrived their was no room for them at the inn.  But they did find a stable that the innkeeper told them they could rest at and that is where Baby Jesus was born!

During our center time we started finished own nativity scene with stickers. 

Number:  We reviewed the number 5 today.  During Morning Meeting we looked at what the number 5 looks like and then we practiced counting to 5. We counted 5 fingers, rubbed our bellies 5 times, stomped our feet 5 times and jumped up and down five times.  We then counted 5 red Christmas Stockings. 

Shape:  We reviewed the shape of a Triangle during December.  We talked about how a triangle has 3 sides and how a lot of times you can make a Christmas tree out of triangles. 

Color:  Green was reviewed during our Morning Meeting and instead of filling our color board with green objects we charted what we saw or could fine green in our classroom.

We made a beautiful wreath with our thumbprint and green paint!

Music and Movement: We also had fun singing our ABC’s, twinkle Little Star.   We sang Happy Birthday to Jesus.  We were so busy today doing so many activities that we didn’t have time for a lot of movement. 

Outside Time:  We did go outside today!  It was snowing and we had a lot of fun trying to catch snowflakes on our tongue and having snowball fights!  It was cold and wet but we had a great time and the smile on my little friend’s faces was priceless!

Patterning:  We continued working on our pattern of the month of candy cane and Ornaments.  We had fun saying the words and counting to 10!

We decorated a stocking today using red and green bingo daubers.  

Science and Sensory:  The sensory table was filled with all different types of things we may see at Christmas time.  It will be opened each day for the children, to touch, look and feel what we may see at Christmas.  Ask them what they saw in the table.  More new Christmas Vocabulary words to learn….

During center time we had fun making reindeer food for Santa’s reindeer on Christmas Eve night.   We also had fun playing with snow that we brought inside with us.  We talked about how it was cold and wet and sometimes felt soft in our hands.  We then figured out what would happen if it got hot.  Mrs. Linneman used a hair dryer to melt the snow and we talked about how it turns into water and if we took the melted snow outside it was cold enough that it could turn into ice.  We then had fun decorating the snow with watercolor paints.  We had a blast doing this activity and look forward to doing it again when it snows with the kiddos.  It was messy, wet and cold but a whole lot of fun! 

Enjoy the pictures from our day!

.Making Reindeer Food

.Playing with toys
.Ella was very busy building a creation at the Lego table.  

.Riding the horse

.Playing with the cars

.Baking cookies in the kitchen
.Puzzle Mania!
.Julija making the nativity scene on the magnetic board

.Nicholas making his own creation on the lego table

.Evan looking ready to have a feast!

.Joseph decided to check out what was cooking in the kitchen

.Evan found the lacing card box and got to town lacing a card

.Julija decided to join Evan in some lacing fun

.Ella building a train track

.Sarah and Nicholas playing a little house

Making a Christmas Wreath

.Coloring some Christmas Bells

.Morning Meeting

.We added a snowman and snowshowers to Mr. Weather Frog

.Instead of our color board today we found things that we found green in our room

.Getting ready to hear the Nativity story.

Today the students helped tell the story and put the pieces on the magnetic board

.Adding to our Advent Calendar

.Story we read during morning meeting

.Our last day of our Christmas pattern

Our Advent Calendar

.Transition Time
Last day to decorate the tree with our names

.What a great looking tree

Snack Time

.Getting Ready to head out into the snow!

.Catching snowflakes on our tongues!

.Umm.. Mrs Horn I am not to sure about this cold wet stuff! 

.Check it out Mrs. Horn

.Mrs. Linneman and the kiddos started a snowball fight!

.After our time outside we came in and played a Christmas Matching game, listened to another Christmas story and helped Mrs. Horn Decorate a tree on the wipe off board.  

.Making Red Glitter Bows on their wreaths

.Exploring the room 
Today was the last day for a lot of the things in our room.  We will return to new things to explore, try out and experience! 

.Making our Nativity Scenes

.Making a Stocking with Bingo Daubers


.What a fabulous way to end the first semseter of School!  I look forward to seeing everyone in January.  Blessings to you all on a safe and healthy Holiday Break and Merry Christmas to you all.