Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Apple Fun on Tuesday!!

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

It is hard to believe that today is the last day of September!  We are starting our 7th week of school and we have already learned so much these past 6 weeks. This week we will be spending our time reviewing the number 2, the color red and the shape of an Octagon.  We started learning about the Story of Noah and continued our study of apples!

Jesus Time: Today we began learning about Noah and this is what we learned today….

Genesis 6
Many years later there were lots of people on the Earth, but most of them were bad.  One man-Noah-was good.  He obeyed God.  “I want you to build a boat, God told Noah.  Noah started right away.  People laughed at Noah because they lived in a desert and there was no water for the boat.  Noah just went on building the boat.

We had the opportunity during free choice play to play with some Noah’s ark and all the animals he put inside them. 

We also did some fine motor work with cutting with scissors to cut a straight line to Noah.  Some of us did hand over hand and some of my friends have been able to cut on their own but need help with holding the paper.    

Number:  We continued our study of the number 2.  We practiced holding up two fingers.  We then waved our two fingers in the air.  Then we practiced counting 1-2, clapping our hands two times, stomping our feet two times, jumping up and down two times, rubbing our tummies two times and turning around two times and waving our hands two times.

Our center time activity led us to stamping the number 2 on a piece of paper and becoming familiar with what the number 2 looks like.

Shape:  We continued studying about the shape of an Octagon. We reviewed today that an octagon has 8 sides and practiced counting the eight sides. We talked about how an Octagon shape looks like a stop sign and when we see a stop sign we need to STOP!!!  

Letter: We are studying about the letter “E” this week. We learned about different words that begin with the letter E, such as Elephant, every, our Friend Evan’s names starts with E, excited, exactly, egg and emotion. 

Our center activity allowed us to color a picture of an Egg for the letter E and that should be coming home in our red folders today.

We also worked on the next page in our alphabet books that will become home in May.  Today we painted our hand gray to make an elephant for the letter E

Color:  RED is the color we are learning about the month of September.  WE started our morning meeting with identifying different objects that are red on our color board.  We had fun making a leaf with red paint in a Ziploc bag they are really pretty be sure to check them out in our classroom. 

We also sponge painted different colored apples on a big piece of paper for an apple tree that will be hung up in our classroom.  

Music and Movement:  We had fun jumping and counting.  We did some soaring like a rocket into space. Shaking our bodies and wiggling our fingers.  We found the Wheels on the Bus and had fun using our fingers to the music of Beethoven’s 5th Symphony.  Singing our ABC’s, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and Jesus Loves me.

Outside Time:  Another beautiful day created by our Awesome God so we took time to play outside with our friends from the other PDO classes.  Some of my friends had fun playing in a sand table that Mrs. Schenck had set up outside, others chose to play with the trucks in the rock pit and ride cars and bikes.  No matter what we had a beautiful day outdoors.
Patterning:  As we continue to work on A-B patterning we did a pattern today sponge painting red and green apples on a piece of paper.  I started the pattern with a red apple and the completed the pattern from there.  Be sure to check them out in the hallway. 

Enjoy the pictures from our day!
Free Choice Play
Even though we were done learning about the letter D the Dinosaurs decided to stick around for a few more days!  So we had fun exploring in the classroom with dinosaurs and so much more!  Today's music selection was from composer George Winston.  

Landry loves our big Mickey Mouse and he has him in tow where ever he goes in the classroom during Free choice time.

Puzzle fun today we had some puzzles set out for us to explore and do.

Nothing starts the day with a little Reading, Nicholas found a bear in this particular book and was excited to share with me that he had seen the Bears movie that was made by Disney at Earth Day. 

The art easel is a busy place in our classroom, this is a great way for us to work on our pre-writing skills and spatial awareness.  

Mr. T-Rex is enjoying his time in Room C. 

We had some new toys to help us with the story of Noah 

Nicholas was very hard at work with his drawing.  

Morning Meeting
Today we talked about how today was the last day of September and that we would be starting a new month tomorrow the month of October and in the month of October is Halloween. 

Noah's Ark is slowly being built on our wall. 

Our apple pattern of red and green apples 

 Circle Time/Transition Time 
We practiced using our fingers as we worked our muscles to Beethoven's Fifth Symphony.  We also practiced jumping and counting.  

 Waiting for our name to be called to put our name in our apple basket.

We read this funny book about this silly dog wanting to eat an Apple Pie. 

Today we had a real apple that we looked at and took down some observations of.  

We went to the apple orchard pick some apples and find some pumpkins.  We found colorful leaves on our tree!  

Outside Time!  

Center Time
Coloring the letter "E" for Elephant. 

 Fine Motor Activity 
We had to follow the path to get to an apple orchard.  Using a red marker to help us with our pre writing skills. 

 Cutting with Scissors

Stamping the number 2

Patterning Red and Green Apples 

Apple Art Work 
Each child in my class will make an apple art work... this week

Leaf Painting
We had a ziploc bag of red paint and we put our leaf template in there and we rubbed the paint all around and made some beautiful red leaves for our room. 

 Sponge Painting an apple tree we each got to put two apples of each color on our tree of red, green and yellow.  

Music and Movement
Wheels on the bus go round and round 

Last book of the day! 

What a great day we had and have a wonderful evening!