Thursday, May 28, 2015

Last Day of School Thursday!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Well the day has finally arrived the last day of school.  What an amazing school year we had in our classroom.  I had so much fun this year with all my of little friends it is really hard to believe that is over.  As we started out the school year some of my friends were returning and other were new so we worked together and developed relationships with friends learned new schedules and routines and thrown into the mix we had a change of Aides.  Mrs. Linneman was with us in the beginning but then left in January to continue on with her schooling. I am happy to report she is doing great and will start her student teaching in the fall at Walker Elementary in a Kindergarten classroom and on Fridays she will be the teacher aide in Full Day Preschool in Mrs. Roulands class.  When we returned after Christmas break we were excited to welcome Mrs. Wegener to our class and she jumped right in and made lots of new friends and we just love her and are happy she will be returning to work with us next year Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday! The school year progressed we got past our worries and sadness and worked on learning routines and rules as well as having lots and lots of experiences!  I hope you enjoy looking through your child’s portfolio and seeing how much they progressed from the beginning of the year up until today.  

Today we carried on our last day as all the others with a couple of different things thrown into our day.  I had 2 of my friends who went for a tiptoe through preschool tour today and we had fun meeting the preschool teachers and seeing the preschool classrooms.  I have some friends that will return next year and I am looking forward to some familiar friends who will be joining me again in August!   We also had the opportunity to join the preschool classes in the commons during snack time and have some yummy popsicles to help say good bye to this school year and then we got the opportunity to play on the big playground by our selves and then joined with the 5th graders and preschoolers we had a blast! 

Enjoy seeing what we did for our last day in PDO!  
Enjoy reading about our day! 

Jesus Time: This week we reviewed the story of Jesus dying on the cross all the way up through Pentecost.  I am amazed at how well the students know this story.  You should ask your child what happened after Jesus went in the tomb; I think you might be pleasantly surprised with how much they remember.  During our Morning Meeting we watched a video about Pentecost to help us know what happened. 

During our center time we water colored a picture of Jesus as our Super Hero this was our last Jesus activity and it was included in the portfolio under Bible Stories and was the last activity for that section.  

Number: During Morning Meeting we talked about the number 10 and counted our 10 fingers and then we counted out 10 blocks and compared what was the same and what was different.
Shape:  During Morning Meeting we talked about the shape of a diamond.  We found out that we can make a diamond with our fingers. 

Color: During the month of May we are reviewing the colors we have learned through out the school year.  

During center time used our favorite color to paint a picture of a bird this was also included in our portfolio in the painting section and should have been the last item in that section.

Music and Movement: We sang Jesus Loves Me  our ABC’s, we had fun dancing to Five Days Old, The Washing Machine Song and of course the Silly Dance Contest.  We also had an impromptu dance party before our morning meeting got started and we had a blast! 

Outside Time:  We enjoyed the beautiful weather outside today and had a lot of fun playing with new friends
Sensory and Science Time:  The sensory table was filled with Sand and we had a lot of fun playing with it.  We also watched the birds at the bird feeder for a while and then wished them well on their summers.  

Enjoy the pictures from our last day of PDO! 

 . Free Choice Play
Today we listened to some Christian Rock music as we spent our last morning together playing with the toys in the classroom.  We had fun playing with our friends and just enjoying our last day together.  

. During Free Choice Time I took two of our little friends who will be attending Preschool at Zion next year up to take a peek of what is in store for them next year in half Day Preschool

. It's hard to believe that Evan and Nicholas will be leaving me today and entering the wonderful world of Preschool! 

. Walking in the halls checking out the art work on the wall. 

. Exploring in the preschool classrooms. 

. We had the lovely opportunity to meet Mrs. Hoehener and Mrs. Stangelin while we were in there exploring.   

. We came back from our tour of preschool and got busy playing in the sensory table that was filled with sand.  

. We enjoyed drawing on the wipe off board 

. Mastering a few more puzzles before the end of the day 

. Two of our Super Heroes and they are ready to tell us their super power which is "To Tell People that Jesus is Alive! "  

Impromptu Dance party 

. Final Morning Meeting of the year
What an awesome way to end our time together.  

. We counted 10 blocks and talk about how they were the same and different 

. Color Matching
Today for our color board we played a game of matching the right bow tie to the right penguin. 

. Transistion and Snack Time 

. We headed for the main building to have snack in the commons with the preschoolers.  

. Stopping inside the door of the early childhood wing. 

. Look at us Moms and Dads!  

. We did an awesome job staying seated and waiting to be dismissed and look how great they did standing on the wall 

. Waiting on a shape to go inside 

. Circle Time
We sang our ABC'S and did the song Five Days Old 

. Centers 

Coloring a picture of 10 colorful Diamonds.  We have been working a little hareder the past two months to color more than just scribble and a line on the paper.  

. Some of us Painted one last time to add our colorful birds to add to our final pages of our portfolio 

. Having fun playing with our friends and toys 

. Water Coloring a picture of Jesus being a Super Hero 

. Cutting and Sequencing
We had to cut out 6 pictures and then glue them in the correct to order. 

 . We then headed to the big playground to play 

. Heading back to the classroom to finish up our day.  

. Free Choice Play we ended our time today by exploring the classroom and getting the opportunity to play with our friends. 

. We made new friends who will be back together next year 

. We have old friends who have been in PDO together and are moving on to bigger and better things just not together. 

. Music and Movements

. This class love so to dance and so we did to the Silly Dance Contest and the Washing machine song.  

. Transition / Snack Time 

. Goodbye- Nichols have a great time in half day preschool here at Zion next year 

Goodbye- Evan have a great time in half day preschool here at Zion next year 

Goodbye- Sara  have a great time in half day preschool here at Zion next year 

Goodbye- Landry See you in class next year 

Goodbye- Emma see you in class next year 

Goodbye- Ella have a great summer and look forward to seeing you in the fall.  

Goodbye- Joseph have a great summer and I look forward to seeing you in the fall. 

Goodbye- Julija  look forward to seeing you in fall

Goodbye-Reese had a great time this summer and see you in fall. 

Well my super hero's are tired and getting ready to head home with you all. 

Lunch time 

And a little bird watching as we closed out the school year. 

And with our Goodbyes said and hugs that were hugged, portfolios and crosses given out this school year is over.  It has been one heck of a ride and I have loved every minute of it and wouldn't trade it for anything.  You all have been blessed with beautiful, smart, funny, inquisitive little children.  They all hold a special place in my heart.  It has been an honor and a blessing to be your child's first teacher and I hope their experience as well as yours has been a great one!  I look forward to seeing all my friends off to preschool next year in the hallways and may have to steal a hug or two from them.  To my friends coming back to see me next year I can not wait to see you in August and make more memories and experience fun and exciting things!  Have a wonderful and blessed Summer Vacation 

. God's Blessings, 
Mrs. Horn