Sunday, April 24, 2016

Terrific Tuesday

Terrific Tuesday!
We had wonderful day on Tuesday in our classroom learning about flowers, butterflies and caterpillars. We spent the week reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle and next week we will do some more activities revolving around The Very Hungry Caterpillar.  We had a great time playing outside and enjoying the beautiful weather.   

Enjoy reading and viewing the pictures from our fabulous day

Free Choice and Centers 
We enjoyed viewing different butterflies, flowers and nature scenes while listening to a variety of classical music this morning on our television in our room as we moved about the classroom exploring and learning.  

Yellow Play Dough
Squishing, rolling, sculpting, molding . . . young children love to play with play dough. Add some props from e and play dough play becomes a powerful way to support your child’s learning. This simple early childhood staple lets children use their imaginations and strengthen the small muscles in their fingers—the same muscles they will one day use to hold a pencil and write. Using play dough with Mrs. Wegner, Mrs. Horn and our friends supports your child’s social skills such as sharing, taking turns, and enjoying being with other people. Play dough also encourages children’s language and literacy, science, and math skills—all at the same time!

Sorting Colored Bears
Sorting is a beginning math skill.  By sorting, children understand that things are alike and different as well as that they can belong and be organized into certain groups. Getting practice with sorting at an early age is important for numerical concepts and grouping numbers and sets when they're older. This type of thinking starts them on the path of applying logical thinking to objects, mathematical concepts and every day life in general. 

Writing our Name
We have been practicing for the month or so writing our first name by tracing the dots that make up the letters.  We are working on recognizing the letters in our names and working on holding a marker to trace the letters in our names.  A small name portfolio will becoming home at the end of the year with the different things we have done with our a names this semester.  

Bingo Dauber Art
This week we were given a spring picture with a butterfly, flower and sunshine on it that we were able to use the bingo daubers to create a beautiful picture.  The students were able to use different colors to make their spring picture unique and their own.  These are displayed in our hallway be sure and check them out.  

Pre-Writing Activity
We worked on holding a crayon and tracing a line from a butterfly to a flower working left to right.  When we were done tracing our lines we were able to color the flower that was at the end of the page.  

The Very Hungry Caterpillar
We first had to color the head of our caterpillar with a red crayon.  After we were done coloring our head we had to glue it on the paper and then we stamped 9 green circles to make our caterpillars bodies.  When we were done stamping our bodies of our caterpillars we glued on two pom poms for the antennas.  To help work on holding a writing utensils we then used a black marker to make legs on our caterpillar.  

We had fun stamping the first letter of our name on our paper today to add to our name portfolios. As we were stamping the letter to our name we practiced saying that letter as well.  

Morning Meeting 
Happy Tuesday! 

Today we counted 9 trains to help us with learning the number 9 and with our shape of the month the rectangle

Our pattern this month of butteflies and flowers 

We worked on singing the Butterfly song to help us learn how a butterfly is made. 

We then read an all time favorite by Eric Carle The Very Hungry Caterpillar.  

This week we had to say the first letter in our name and then we said what color our Easter Egg was that we put into our Easter basket.  

We then counted how many we had of each egg.  

We are going to be ready for preschool before we know it!  Look at how good we are doing at standing in a line! 

Jesus Time 
Today we reviewed the Easter Story starting with singing Zaccheus and moving all the way up to when Jesus ate dinner with two friends and they did not realize that it was Jesus until the end of the meal.  We sang Jesus Loves Me, The B-I-B-L-E and we practiced how you pray.  

Circle Time 
We read this book about the a Duck who was Clumsy and how he learned that he was most graceful when he was in the water.  We also did our flannel board story about how a  butterfly is born.  

Some of my friends headed outside and a few friends stayed inside and worked on a painting project with Mrs. Wegener as they finished their painting they would come outside and a few more friends would head inside.  

Today we painted with tempera paints and small paint brushes.  We had a variety of colors to chose from and they really all turned out quite colorful and unique.  This activity was different from when we have painted before because we were using tempera paints and lots of different colors to chose from.  

Music and Movement
It started to rain on us so we headed inside where we did some music and movement.  We rode the fire trucks, shook our sillies out and sang the Rainbow Song to help work on our color identification. 

Free Play & Centers 

Painting with Legos
Last week we painted a rectangular Lego that is displayed in our hallway currently.  So today we painted with rectangle Lego's.  We made our own creations with the pain and Lego's. they all turned out great and at the same time they were able to work identifying the shape of a rectangle.  

Final Circle 
We ended our circle today with the book the Five Little Ducks and saying the shark prayer to get ready for lunch. 

Transition for Lunch 

We played a butterfly matching game with Mrs. Horn as we came to take our Easter Egg off the basket. 

Lunch Time
Yummy Lunch and the end to a great day!

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