Thursday, January 28, 2016

Happy Thursday!

Thursday January 28, 2016

We had a busy day in our classroom today and we also said goodbye to one of our dear little friends, as he will not be returning after today.  Aryan we wish you sweet blessings on your journey to India over the next couple of month’s safe travels and we hope you will be back to Zion next year sometime.  Please keep Aryan and his family in your prayers during the next couple of months.  We spent today playing, learning and exploring.  We reviewed the number 6, the color white, and the shape of a star.  This week our Jesus story focused on when Jesus was at the temple and Mary and Joseph thought he was missing.  We had fun learning about the letter S this week and rounded out our study on Penguins and Snowmen.  WE will have new toys, puzzles and themes starting next week as we enter the month of February. 

We will pass out valentines to our friends at school on Tuesday, February 9, Wednesday February 10 and Thursday February 11.  I will send a list of students for each day in a separate email.  We will make something special to carry our valentine’s home in.  Please do not send in any candy on the valentines you may attach stickers or pencils but NO CANDY! 

Our Open House on Sunday was a big success and we had a 30 families come tour our amazing school and church and 14 of those families registered that day to become part of the Bobcat Family.  WE would love for you to be a part of the Bobcat family. If you have not yet registered, you need to act now.  Preschool has 1 or 2 spots left and the Early Learning Program is starting to become filled.  We are excited for the changes our Early Learning Program will be having over the next year or so and hope that you will recommend us to your friends and families. Many of my students that will be returning to the Early Learning Program (PDO) have not registered yet and I hope you will consider coming back to see us next year.  If you still have questions please do ask. 


Free Choice and Centers
We were a busy bunch today which is great to see we have lots of energy and we were busy using it!   We listened to Disney soundtracks today.  We are really a fun group to work with lots of strong personalities and we are working on remembering to share and listen to our friends when we are playing.  We are really working on cleaning up the classroom as well this seems to be a struggle lately in all my classes.  If my friends help clean up they will get a "smelly"  for being a good helper.  A smelly is a scented chapstick and they get a swipe on their hand if they have been a good cleaner.  Today some of my friends did not get a smelly because they chose not to help clean up.  Some of the preschool teachers use this technique in the classroom and have had great success with it and I have had success with it as well.   

Sensory Table 
We have not had play dough out in a couple weeks and what a world of difference I am seeing in many of my students.  They are really branching out in the classroom and exploring new area to play in or try.  The sensory table is currently filled with rice and we have enjoyed playing in it the past few weeks.  We are able to work on our pouring and scooping skills.  

This week we are concentrating on the letter S.  We talked about some S words like snowman, snow, sing, sign, smell, snake and in our alphabet books we worked on decorating a Submarine. 

We have enjoyed doing a variety of different puzzles the past few weeks.  Puzzles are a great way to promote problem solving skills and spatial awareness as well as how to do a quiet activity.  New puzzles will be available next week for us to work on and figure out! 

Building with Blocks
We have had fun building with big blocks and little blocks the past few weeks.  This has been great to work on our spatial awareness and our fine motor skills as we try and stack up the blocks as high as we can.  We also are able to work together to build our towers really big.  We are working on counting skills and color recognition as well.  

The Art Easel 
Was a hopping place to be today lots of drawing and creating was going on over in this area of the room.  This is a great place for us to work on our pre writing skills and how to hold a variety of writing tools as well as working on building our arm strength.  

Today Mrs. Wegener and some of our friends got to choose what color they wanted to paint a Hot Chocolate Mug.  By allowing our friends to choose a color we are teaching them some independence as well as allowing them the freedom to be an individual and work on some color identification skills in the process.  This was a two step project after we painted our mugs we allowed them to dry and then we glued 6 Marshmallows in our mugs to help us work on the number six (those pictures are further down in the blog).  We all did a great job painting inside the lines I was really impressed by how well all my friends are doing at center time.  Be sure and check the hallway for our Hot Chocolate  Cups! 

This month our winter pattern was a Snowman and Penguin.  Today we made our Snowman and Penguin Patterns and they are displayed in our hallway as well.  I would start the pattern and then would ask the child what would come next.  They would then have to use the glue stick to put the glue on the paper and then glue their snowman or penguin on the paper.   I am really encouraging my friends to talk to me and not just point at the pictures.  We are really doing great with our patterning. 

Today we worked on some vocabulary words we have been talking about through out the month of January.  We had to identify what articles of clothing we wear outside when it is cold we also had to figure out where on our body it would go.  Today we also got to use glue sticks all by ourselves as we start to work towards being a little more independent in our center times as some of us will be heading of to Preschool next year.  These books are coming home through out the week.  Ask your child if they can "read" their book to you and tell you where they would wear a piece of clothing at.  

Lots of Role Playing and Imaginations at Work 

Morning Meeting 
Happy Thursday my friends

Last day of Janaury for us in our classroom 

It was sunny outside today! 

Our theme boards that we reviewed for the month of January 

Today we counted six lacing buttons and talked about how they were the same and different. This is a new concept that we will be talking more about as the year progress' 

Instead of our white board today we looked around the room and charted what we saw that was white in the classroom.  We did a great job finding something that was white! 

Our Snowman and Penguin Pattern for the month of January 

We talked about the letter S and continue to work on singing our ABC's this is something you and your child can do on the way to and from school.  

We read a book about all different types of animals getting ready for The Big Snow.  

We have spent this month using our fine motor skills to decorate a blue sky with shiny colorful stickers.   

Jesus Time 
Today we talked about when Jesus was a little boy about the age of 12 years old he was with his mom and dad and his mom and dad thought he got lost but they found him into the church. After we read our Bible Story we sang THE BIBLE and Jesus Loves Me.  We also said a special echo prayer as we do at the end of our Jesus Time every day.  

Music and Movement 
We have lots of friends with colds and snotty noses so we thought it would be best to stay inside today and we had fun doing lots of Music and Movement.  

Circle Time 
We read a story about a little boy who lost his teddy and how it made him sad but then he was able to find him and how happy that made him.  We do talk about emotions in our classroom and this is something that you can incorporated into your life at home.  

We spent time doing our flannel board story about 6 little penguins.  We have had a lot of fun with these this month.  These are great for us to work on numbers and counting and colors and shapes.  

Free choice and Centers 
We listened to some classical music for the second part of our day.  We did a better job at cleaning up at the end of this time and almost everyone got a smelly when we were ready to clean up! 

Reading Books 
We love to read and look at books.  The books are always available to our friends and it is strongly encouraged to look at them through out the day.  Reading to your child every day for 20 minutes will help increase their vocabulary and speech.  

Playing and Sharing 

Working on our Winter Words 
Today with Mrs. Wegener we had to stamp a series of different words on our paper.  These were all winter words that we have been working on and seen through out the month of January.  We would pick up a stamp and before we stamped it on the paper we would have to identify what the word was.  The stamps we had were polar bear, penguin, snowflake, snowman, star, mittens.  We did a great job being able to identify the different stamps! 

Cutting with Scissors 
We practice cutting different colors of paper to glue on the shape of the star.  They will be added to our star collection on our wall.  

Coloring with Markers
WE LOVED COLORING WITH THE MARKERS!  Today we colored a picture of a church to help us remember our Bible Story about Jesus getting lost and being found in the church. 

 Block Building! 

Imaginations Hard at Work! 


Unfortunately, the rest of the pictures from our day didn't want to upload.  We enjoyed glittering some pretty stars with gold glitter to add to our stall wall in the classroom and we had fun reading a book about our ABC's with Mickey And Friends.  We had fun placing stickers on our star board one last time.  We had a fabulous lunch time and sang our goodbye song and packed up for the day.  We had a busy week in our classroom and I hope you have been enjoying reading and viewing our blog.  Please feel free to share with family members or even friends who are looking for a place to send their little ones.  Have a wonderful weekend and blessings to you all!  

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