Tuesday, January 26, 2016


Tuesday, January 26, 2016

It was so fun to see how wacky tacky some of my friends had dressed today to help us celebrate National Lutheran Schools Week!   I give all you parents a lot of credit this is one day that my OCD kicks in and I just can’t dressed Wacky Tacky!!!  I loved how cute all my friends looked in their clothes!  It was another very cold and windy day in STL so we decided to just stay in our classroom today and not head up to the classroom.  This group of students does a great job playing and working together their imaginations are exploding and it is so fun to see what they are going to do.  We are into the last week of January so we are reviewing the number 6, shape of a star, the color white.  Our Bible Story this week is about when Jesus goes to the Temple and Mary and Joseph think he is lost.  We learned about the letter S and reviewed our pattern of Snowman and Penguins.  Next week new toys, puzzles and themes will be introduced to the class.  


We will pass out valentines to our friends at school on Tuesday, February 9, Wednesday February 10 and Thursday February 11.  I will send a list of students for each day in a separate email.  We will make something special to carry our valentine’s home in.  Please do not send in any candy on the valentines you may attach stickers or pencils but NO CANDY! 

Our Open House on Sunday was a big success and we had a great number of families come tour our amazing school and church.  If you have not yet registered, you need to act now.  Preschool is almost full with only a few slots filled and the Early Learning Program is starting to become filled.  We are excited for the changes our Early Learning Program will be having over the next year or so and hope that you will recommend us to your friends and families.  If you still have questions  


 Free Choice/Centers
We enjoyed listening to various selections by George Winston today.  We were very busy in the classroom today and did lots of exploring!    

We have been enjoying playing in the rice that has been our table the last few weeks.  The sensory table is a great place for us to work on our pouring and scooping skills.  

Playing is our Learning 
We may just look like we are playing but we are learning at the same time.  

Batman aka "CARSON" was busy in the kitchen area today cooking up something delicious in the microwave.  Even though he was playing as he was punching the numbers on the microwave he was being exposed to the different numbers and what they look like.
We are also learning how to work together when we are playing.  We are learning how to share and problem solve while playing with each other and sometimes there are just too many cooks in the Kitchen!   
We have really enjoyed playing with the airport toys this month.  
We have been able to see the cause and effect as we roll a car or airplane forward, backwards, fast and slow.  We are able to work on counting skills as we count how many wheels or wings might be on a plane or how many people can fit in a car, helicopter or plane.  

Mrs. Wegener and I have seen an increased interest in books in our classroom the past couple of weeks which is so great to see.  Even though our little friends can not read yet they are able to learn how to hold a book, care for a book, which way we turn the pages, that we read left to right.  We are able to look at letters and identify different objects on the page and look at the pictures.  Reading to your child 20 minutes is important and will help expand their world and vocabulary so much at this young age.  

And who can deny kicking back and looking and reading a good book?!?

We have enjoyed doing a variety of different puzzles the past few weeks.  Puzzles are a great way to promote problem solving skills and spatial awareness as well as how to do a quiet activity.  New puzzles will be available next week for us to work on and figure out! 

Today Mrs. Wegener and some of our friends got to choose what color they wanted to paint a Hot Chocolate Mug.  By allowing our friends to choose a color we are teaching them some independence as well as allowing them the freedom to be an individual and work on some color identification skills in the process.  This was a two step project after we painted our mugs we allowed them to dry and then we glued 6 Marshmallows in our mugs to help us work on the number six (those pictures are further down in the blog).  We all did a great job painting inside the lines I was really impressed by how well all my friends are doing at center time.  Be sure and check the hallway for our Hot Chocolate  Cups! 

Today we worked on some vocabulary words we have been talking about through out the month of January.  We had to identify what articles of clothing we wear outside when it is cold we also had to figure out where on our body it would go.  Today we also got to use glue sticks all by ourselves as we start to work towards being a little more independent in our center times as some of us will be heading of to Preschool next year.  These books are coming home through out the week.  Ask your child if they can "read" their book to you and tell you where they would wear a piece of clothing at.  

This week we are concentrating on the letter S.  We talked about some S words like snowman, snow, sing, sign, smell, snake and in our alphabet books we worked on decorating a Submarine.  

This month our winter pattern was a Snowman and Penguin.  Today we made our Snowman and Penguin Patterns and they are displayed in our hallway as well.  I would start the pattern and then would ask the child what would come next.  They would then have to use the glue stick to put the glue on the paper and then glue their snowman or penguin on the paper.   I am really encouraging my friends to talk to me and not just point at the pictures.  We are really doing great with our patterning. 

Happy Chilly Tuesday!  
We all did such a great job at cleaning up that everyone got a smelly on their hand this morning.  

We are almost done with the month of January  we counted that we had 5 green squares on our calendar for the month of January.

We dressed Mr. Weather Frog for the cold windy weather outside.  

Our theme board for the month of January

Our color board for the month of January.  

Snowman and Penguin pattern for the month of January.  

The Letter "S" is what we are learning about this week and we are doing a great job singing our ABC's 

We read a timeless classic White Snow, Bright Snow!!  

We have spent this month using our fine motor skills to decorate a blue sky with shiny colorful stickers.  

Waiting for all of our friends to finish washing our hands in the bathroom.  We usually sing a song that helps us work on different parts of our bodies such as toes, knees, tummies, hands, elbows, shoulders.  

Snack Time
This is an important part of our day please be sure your child has peanut free snack and something to drink. 

Jesus Time 
Today we talked about when Jesus was a little boy about the age of 12 years old he was with his mom and dad and his mom and dad thought he got lost but they found him into the church. After we read our Bible Story we sang THE BIBLE and Jesus Loves Me.  We also said a special echo prayer as we do at the end of our Jesus Time every day.  

Music and Movement 
We did not go to the commons today so we did Music and Movement twice today to help us with our gross motor skills. We had fun jumping and counting and Jumping and turning around.  We had a lot of fun dancing today.  

Circle Time 
We spent time doing our flannel board story about 6 little penguins.  We have had a lot of fun with these this month.  These are great for us to work on numbers and counting and colors and shapes.  

We read a book from The Little House Series about being on the farm in the winter 

Penguin Matching Game 
Today we had to match penguin colors with the right bow tie.  

Center Time/Free Choice Round 2
We enjoyed our second round of centers listening to a selection of different Disney music.  

Imaginations and Creativity Hard at work 

Cutting with Scissors 
We practice cutting different colors of paper to glue on the shape of the star.  They will be added to our star collection on our wall.  

Working on our Winter Words 
Today with Mrs. Wegener we had to stamp a series of different words on our paper.  These were all winter words that we have been working on and seen through out the month of January.  We would pick up a stamp and before we stamped it on the paper we would have to identify what the word was.  The stamps we had were polar bear, penguin, snowflake, snowman, star, mittens.  We did a great job being able to identify the different stamps! 

 Coloring with Markers
WE LOVED COLORING WITH THE MARKERS!  Today we colored a picture of a church to help us remember our Bible Story about Jesus getting lost and being found in the church.  

More Imaginative Play!


 Music and Movement
We had fun doing the Hokey Pokey and Head Shoulders Knees and Toes.  

We had fun reading a story about a snowman and then we prayed for lunch 

Putting more stickers on our star paper. 

What a great day we had in our classroom.  We had so much fun learning and playing today that it was an awesome day with our friends.  Stay warm and I look forward to seeing everyone later in the week.  

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