Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Welcome Back!

Welcome Back!!
I hope everyone had an enjoyable holiday and that everyone enjoyed time with family and friends.  We have returned to school with cold temperatures and are ready to tackle the second half of the school year.  This week we are easing back into the swing of things, refreshing our memory of the rules of the classroom, sharing and caring for others, listening and following directions.  We started our study of the number 6, the color white, the shape of a star.  Our Bible story this week is about the three wise men going to visit Baby Jesus in Bethlehem and bringing him three gifts. We also learned about the letter P and started learning about our winter theme.  We were able to go to the commons and play during our outside time and just had fun playing in our classroom.

Enrollment for next year has begun to take place you should of received an email regarding enrolling your child for the Early Learning Program (Formerly PDO) and Preschool.  Please do not wait to enroll your child, classes in early childhood fill up quickly.  If you have any questions please come talk to me and I will help answer them for you.  We will have an open house at the end of January you may attend if you so desire to, it is at this time that you will be able to tour the campus at Zion, meet teachers, staff and see the classrooms.  After the open house registration will open to the public, so you want to be sure your child's place is secured by that time.   I hope you all will consider Zion to continue your child's education it is an awesome place to learn, grow and feel at home.  I will be praying for you all during this time as you make decisions about your child's educational future.  

Please enjoy reading and viewing our day.  If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at  

Free Choice Time/1st Round of Centers
We had fun playing with the toys in the classroom and catching up with our friends.  Everyone did a great job transitioning back into the classroom today after being gone from break which was so awesome and great to see!

Painting a Penguin
We will be learning about penguins and polar bears this month and today we painted a picture of a penguin using water colors and these will be displayed in the lobby of the Sonshine Center later in the week.  

We worked in our alphabet books learning about the letter P

Morning Meeting 
We learned about a new month and today just so happen to be the number we are learning about this month! 

Mr. Weather Frog was dressed for the cold temperatures outside. 

Our Studies Board

Our Color Board

Our pattern for the month of January is Snowmen and Penguins

Learning about the letter P and singing the alphabet song

We read this book about some little penguins who got into trouble here and there. 

Snack Time

Jesus Time 
We learned about the Three Wise men and their travels to see Baby Jesus 

Commons Time
It is too cold for us to venture outside and our playground still has water on it from the rain we had over the holidays.  So our program decided it would be best to utilize the commons for this week. 

Circle Time
Today we listened to a book on CD about Snowy the Polar Bear's special surprise.  

This month our flannel board story takes us to Six Little Penguins and what they do.  This activities are great for us to work on our counting, rhyming, repetitive skills and early mathematics skills.  

Centers Round 2/Free Choice Play

Today we got to pick our favorite color and paint a star.  

Today we also did a painting of the Three Wise men and as we did this activity we talked about the story a little more.  These turned out great and will be displayed in the hallway outside our classroom be sure and check them out on your way to the cubby room. 

Counting and Stamping
Today we used a snowflake stamp to count out six snowflakes.

Music and Movement
Sorry I didn't get any pictures of our music and movement time together.  We had fun doing the Wheels on the Bus and Five Little Ducks. 

WE had fun listening to the story of how to do the snow dance to make the snow come.

Lunch Time 

We ended our day with our Good Bye song and a smile on our faces. Great way to come back to school.  Blessings to you all in 2016 and I look forward to seeing what is in store for my little friends this semester!  Have a wonderful evening.  

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