Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Last Tuesday in November!

It is so hard to believe that the Thanksgiving Holiday is a little over a week away!  Time is going really really fast and we are moving right along in our room.  Just a reminder that there is NO SCHOOL ALL NEXT WEEK, THE ENTIRE SCHOOL CAMPUS IS OUT FOR THANKSGIVING BREAK.  As a reminder we have changed how we are doing things in our classroom.  So if you do not see a picture of your child doing some of the center activities they will be doing them on another day when they attend school.  We had a really great day in our classroom today and we were super busy.   This is our last week to for our studies on the number 4, the shape of a cross, the color brown.  We finished up talking about all the things that we are thankful for during our Jesus time and are spending this week learning about the letter L.    When we return to school after the Thanksgiving Break we will be turning our studies to the numbe 5, the shape of a triangle, the color green and learning about the Christmas Story.  

Enjoy view our day in pictures and reading about all we are working on this week and a reminder for what we are truly thankful for this time of year.  I am so thankful to be a part of all of your families lives and to work in the presence of your beautiful children.  I am thankful for the smiles, laughter and amazement they bring to me each and every day.  So thank you for allowing me into your child's world and letting me be the first step in a lifetime of education!   

If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesistate to contact me at   God's Blessings to you all this Thanksgiving Holiday.  

Free Choice/First Round of Centers

Today our music selection was that of some Christian Rock music and classical music.  There was also a slight hum about the classroom as our friends were busy playing, exploring and learning.  We did not have any play dough out today which was a little different for some of my friends, but it was a  great way to encourage us to branch out and work about the classroom.  

Sensory Table
 We continue to work on our scooping and pouring skills as we play with the white beans in our sensory table.  This is a skill that we work on all year and we really enjoy playing in the sensory table.  

Imaginative Play 
I saw more of this taking place today and I highly encourage it in the classroom.  Even though play dough is a great way to work on our sensory skills and fine motor and hand muscles I think sometimes some of my friends do not want to try and explore the rest of what we have to do in our classroom.  

I had a grandmother of a former student donate a few new toys to our classroom last week and so we were able to try them out today!  We had a lot of fun playing with this ELMO that we were able to dress up in funny different clothes.  I love donations if you are starting to think of cleaning out some of your child's old toys or things they don't play with any more before the holiday season.  We will gladly take them off your hands just ask us!  

Letter L
Today we worked in our alphabet books on the Letter L.  We talked about different words that begin with the letter L, our picture in our book was of a Ladybug today. 

Pre-Writing Thanksgiving Page 
Today we worked on tracing lines from end of the paper to the other.  We used a crayon so we could apply more pressure to the paper and to work on better hand control.  This activity is to help students get ready to enter preschool where they will work the Handwriting Without Tears Curriculum.  

Turkey Pattern
Today we worked on a pattern of red and orange to decorate a Turkey to help with our patterning skills.  We also were able to work on color matching as we had to match the red dot to the red sticker and same for the color orange.  We also were able to work on our fine motor skills as we had to peel the sticker of the paper and put it on the circle of the turkey feather.  Some of us did not like the sticky feeling the stickers had but it was a great way to also incorporate our sensory skills into our center.

Thanksgiving Words
Today we worked on identifying and saying some of the words we have learned over the course of October and November.  A series of different pictures were out in front of my friends and I would ask them to find the "Pilgrim Hat" and they would have to find the picture of the hat and then repeat the word to me and then we glued it on a piece of paper.  This helped us with our learning of new words as well as our speech.  

Leaf Patterns using stamps.  We did four differnt patterns on our paper and as we worked we had to work really hard at staying in one box.   

Jesus Center
This month we talked about all the things that we are truly thankful for and we made a book to help us remember, we are thankful for our family and friends, our church and pastors and our home and food.  Each page we did something different on and they will becoming home over the course of the week.  We were able to today to work on our coloring and pre-writing skills as we colored the outside of our book. On the inside we got to use all different types of stamps to help us remember what we are thankful for. 

I See Thanksgiving Book…
These books are coming home over the course of the week as well.  This little book helped us with some more of the words we learned over the course of the month about Thanksgiving.  I would read the sentence and then your child would have to find that picture and glue it on the page.  It was and is a great way to work on increasing our vocabulary, pre-reading skills, speech and language and following directions.  Take time this week and look at your chld's book with them and talk about the different things that are on each page.  I feel these little take home books are a great way to help a child feel like they are reading and they are able to look at them on their own and helps them learn how to turn the pages the correct way and to see the letters on the page.  

Morning Meeting 
Happy Tuesday! 

Our Calendar for the month of November has been all about different Thanksgiving words.  

Mr. Weather Frog was dressed for a very wet and dreary day in the STL:(

The review of our studies is happening this week in our classroom 

We counted 4 brown turkeys that say gobble gobble gobble. 

Our review of the color brown with our brown board 

Today we charted what we got to put on the brown board.  This helped us reinforce the color brown and work on our picture identifcation skills. 

Our pattern for the month

We read this silly book about Five Turkeys trying fly away from the First Thanksgiving but they ended up staying and enjoy a delicious feast with the pilgirms.  

The letter of the week we are concentrating on is the Letter L. Some L words we talked about were Lion, LadyBug, Lollipop, Lady, Lucky.  We also practiced saying the L sound.

Transition & Snack Time
This week is the last week for us to put our feathers on Mr. Turkey.  When my friends names were called they put their feather on Mr. Turkey and helped identify the color of their feather.  When your child's last day of attendance takes place this week they will bring home their feather they made along with their cubby name tag.  

One beautiful Turkey! 

Touching our Noses as we practice standing in a line to go wash our hands 

Waiting to return to the classroom for snack time

Snack Time
As a reminder please send a snack that your child will eat and something that does not take to long to eat.  We only spend about 10 minutes at snack time.  Also your child needs to have a sippy cup, thermos or jucie box for snack.  

Jesus Time
We concluded our study of what we are thankful for today as we talked about we are thankful for our family, friends, homes with a roof to keep us warm and dry, our warm beds to sleep in and food to eat that is in our refrigerator.  We also talked about how we are thankful for our church where we can go and pray to God and hear God speak to us and to hear the word of God from our pastors that we are so thankful for.  

Circle Time 

Our Flannel Board Story for this month has been about 5 little Turkeys. It has helped us with our counting skills of counting to 5 and also taking away so there are no turkeys left on Thanksgiving Day! 

We read this book about what some peoples thanksgivings might be like and we talked about how no matter what happens at your Thanksgiving Table we should be thankful for all that we have and the people that surround it. 

Music and Movement Part 1
We could not go outside today because of the rain.  It was raining so hard today that we chose to stay in our classroom instead of walking to the commons to play.  So we got to do lots and lots of music and movement today.  We had fun shaking our bodies down, Clapping our Hands, Doing the Hokey Pokey and learning the Chicken Dance. 

Center Time #2
During our Center time we needed some happy peppy music to take away the mood of a dreary cold fall day.  So we listened to music from the soundtrack of Despicable 2.  

More Imaginative Play 

Enjoying New Books on our reading rug. 

Counting 4 Turkeys 
Today we made a counting book of 4 turkeys.  Each page had a number on it and after we identified the number we counted and glued on that number of turkeys.  These book will becoming home over the course of the week as well.  

Decorating A Gift Bag 
Each child last week made a special Thanksgiving gift for their family.  Today we decorated a bag for them to go home in.  These will becoming home over the course of the week.  We worked really hard on these gifts and I hope you enjoy them.  Some of you that have had another child in my class may have one of these from your other child.  I hope you enjoy them and if you are with us next year we will do something different to bless and thank our families with. 

We had fun coloring pictures of some bears dressed as Pilgrims today.  Not everyone colored some of my friends really like to color so we worked really hard on those coloring skills today.  

 November Cutting Activity
Today some of my friends practiced their cutting skills as they cut for different colors of paper and we matched them to the right feather to make a beautiful turkey.  We were able to work on our cutting skills, fine motor skills as we had to pick up the pieces we had cut and glue them onto the right feather which helped us with our matching skills and color identification.  We used Red, Orange, Yellow and Green paper.  Be sure and check the hallway out this week for this fantastic looking turkeys! 

Noodle Necklaces
Everyone today practiced their fine motor skill today by stringing different colored noodles onto a piece of red yarn to make a noodle necklace.  Some of us were able to complete this center all on their own which was very impressive.  Others needed help getting the noodle started, Mrs. Wegner or myself would put the noodle on the yarn and we would then have our friend practice pulling the yarn so that noodle was in the middle of the yarn.  A few friends were working with the skill of just pulling the string.  If your child did not come home with a noodle necklace on check their backpack for it.  We will be working on this skill all week so if your child attends more than one day they may come home with multiple necklaces ! 

Music and Movement Part 2
We had time for a little more music and movement after center time.  We enjoyed signing, 5 little Ducks the wheels on the bus, Hands are for clapping and Head Shoulders Knees and Toes.  

We ended our circle time together with a book about a bear we got to practice some of our different emotions through out the book.  We also talked about how bears in the winter time begin to hibernate and sleep all winter till spring time.  

After we prayed for lunch we had to wait for our name to be called and we took of our turkey feathers and found a Mickey Mouse to stand on.  After our lunch time we found a place on the reading rug until it was time for us sing our goodbye song and get packed up to head home or to rest time.  A great day was had by all in our class we worked and played hard.  Have a wonderful evening.  

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