Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Happy First Day of Class in November

Welcome to the month of November.  I hope everyone enjoyed their Halloween weekend and that all my friends had a great time trick or treating!   As we head into the month of November we are beginning to learn about a new number 4, the shape of a cross, the color brown and during our Jesus time we are learning about GIVING THANKS.  This week are learning about the letter J and starting to learn new words that are associated with Thanksgiving.  We also had a lot of fun exploring the classroom as we had some new and different toys to play with and expereince.  New puzzles and new manipulatives were also on the shelves for us to work on.  

Halloween Candy
Please if at all possible do not send candy in your child's lunch box or snack.  So many of them are manufactured in a peanut factory and we do not have time to go through all of the candy that is in the lunch box and it saves us from having a friend upset because they can not have a piece of candy.  Thank you for your help and cooperation.  

Take Home Projects
Through out the week your child will have in their folder a take home project that needs to be completed and returned to school by the end of next week.  Please be on the look out through out the week for this easy, fun project to do with your child at home.   

There will be no blog from last Thursday, I apologize but I have had a lot of phone and computer issues the past few weeks and my phone had to be cleaned up and I lost all the pictures I took on Thursday.  I apologize and hopefully all of my technology problems have been fixed.  

Enjoy reading and viewing pictures from our day in our classroom.  As always if you have questions or concerns please do not hesistate to contact me at

Free Choice Time
We spent the morning listening to Autumn Music by George Winston.  He is a piano player and his music is soothing and calm and helped us get into the Autumn Thanksgiving mood.  We had fun checking out new toys and playing with some of our old ones as well.  The toys and manipulatives in the classroom get changed out at least once a month.  Ask your child what they enjoyed playing with today that was new and different.

We still have the trains and cars out those are pretty much a staple in our classroom.  

Lacing cards/Buttons
Something new we are working on this month in our fine motor development is stringing big buttons on a lace.  Some of my friends really enjoyed working with these.  

Water Color Painting
We painted a turkey today with water colors to help us learn a new word for the Thanksgiving holiday and to help decorate our hallway.  

Painting a Turkey Feather
Each of my friends painted a feather that we are going to use to decorate a turkey with during our transition time.  

Morning Meeting 
Happy Tuesday and Welcome to November

Transition Time 
Today since we painted our turkey feathers and we needed them to drive.  We decorated a tree for the fall using raised leaf stickers.  This was great way for us to work on our fine motor skills as we had to place the small sticker on a tree branch.  

 Standing in Line 

Getting ready to head back to the classroom after washing hands and using the bathroom 

Morning Meeting Information 

We are into a new month so we have a new calendar with each day being a different number and picture.  Today we put up a picture of a pilgrim.  

Mr. Weather Frog was not sure what he needed today so we had a little combo of what he was going to wear.  

Our new number, shapde and col

Our "Brown" Color Board for November, this is a great way for us to work on learning the color and learning new words to associate with a picture.  Ask your child if they know what any of these pictures are 

Our pattern for the month is Pilgrim Hat, Turkey.  When we are done with the pattern we count them it helps us with counting to 10

We are learning a new prayer this month.  The XX at the end of the sentence is where we clap our hands.  

Hello Kitty was helping us get ready for fall and learn more about this time of year 

Letter of the Week 

Outside Time
Even though it was cloudy and still a little foggy outside it was a great day to be outdoors temperature wise we had a lot of fun in the 50 minutes we were outside. 

Jesus Time 
These are all the things that we are thankful for and will be talking about during the month of November.  This is a great opportunity to talk with your child about what you are thankful for and what your family is thankful.  

Circle Time
After we came back inside we read a story to help us review about the story of Noah

Center Time

We loved playing with the dragons and Knights
Princess and Ponies 

Working in our Alphabet Books

This week J is for Jelly Bean 

As we work in our alphabet book we go back and talk about the letters we have done previous to help us review and still become familiar with the letters of the alphabet.  We are also working on our pre-reading skills as we work on turning the pages the correct way, right direction and how to read left to right top to bottom.

Some of us are still playing catch up with our alphabet books, I am happy to say that we are all caught up and are ready to do the letter K next week! 

Practicing and Counting 4 Brown Bears 
Today we used our pointer finger to count four brown bears to help us become familiar with the number 4.  We were able to work on our counting skills, number recognition as well as our pre-writing skills as we practiced coloring with a brown crayon.

Checking out and working with new puzzles 

playing with trains

 Cutting with Scissors 
Some of us were finishing up our cutting practice with making a pumpkin.  Check these out in the hallway with our Turkey Watercolors too. 

Music and Movement 
We had fun today dancing and jumping to Five Days Old and singing The Wheels on the Bu

Our Final Book today was about the color brown and all the different things we see that are brown.  

We had a great day in our class and had fun learning all about new things and playing with new toys.  I look forward to seeing everyone the rest of the week.  REMINDER…TOMORROW IS AN EARLY RELEASE DAY WE DISMISS AT 11:45

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