Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Welcome to the Month of March

Tuesday, March 01, 2016

March has come in ROARING like a LION that is for sure!  It was so great to see some of my friends this past weekend at church.  If you are looking for a church home we here at Zion would love to see you join us.  We offer services Saturday at 5:00 and Sundays at 8:00 and 10:30.  My family usually attends the 10:30 service if you want to join us you are always welcome!   With the beginning of a new month we will start learning about the number 8, the shape of an oval, the color purple.  This month we will finish up the alphabet with letters x-y- z and then will begin the journey of learning the letters of our name.   Our Bible stories will lead us to Jesus Dying on the Cross-to save us from our sins.  We will spend the month of March learning about St. Patrick’s Day, spring and Easter.  Be sure to check out our hearts on the wall in our classroom this week, as we will start taking them down and decorating our classroom with something new and different. 


Calendars did come home today in your child’s folder please take a minute to look them over. Spring break will be at the end of this month. 

We will be on Spring Break from Friday, March 25 through Sunday, April 03. 

We have an early dismissal day on Wednesday, April 13 we will dismiss at 11:45.  LUNCH WILL NOT BE DONE ON THIS DAY AT SCHOOL

Last Day of School for Parents Day Out will be Wednesday, May 25. 


Enrollment for ELP is still taking place for the 2016-2017 school year.  I strongly urge you to register your child if you have not done so yet.  We are starting to become full on certain days and if you want certain days for your child you need to do this soon.   Please tell your friends and family of small children about Zion and if they are looking for a loving, caring environment for their child we are the place to come!   

Outerwear, I know that we were not able to go outside today, but as we start o ease into the season of spring we are hoping to be able to spend time outside viewing all the wonderful things that GOD creates for us.  So please make sure your child is dressed in appropriate clothing and footwear.

We do have snack @10:00 and lunch @ 12:00 everyday.  Your child needs to have a drink and snack with their name labeled on them so we can clearly see it.  Children need to have a cold lunch in a lunch box with their name clearly labeled on the outside.  I have been having friends who don’t have drinks, snacks and sometimes nothing for lunch.  These are not provided in our program so please make every effort to have these things for your child with their name labeled on them. 

Diapers please check in with Mrs. Wegener this week to see how your child’s diaper and pull-up supply is good for the month of March.  Please also make sure that your child has an extra change of clothes (pants, underwear, shirt socks and shoes) in their cubbies.  I know some friends have had accidents or needed to change clothes this past month and just want to be sure everyone has what they need. 

We are entering March meaning we only have three months of school left???????  Springtime seems to always become a very busy time of year with lots of things going on as well as wrapping up the school year.  Please be sure to read blogs, emails and check your child’s folder on a daily basis.  I will do my best to keep you informed of what is going on and please do no hesitate to ask questions about something. 

Have a wonderful evening and stay warm!  

  Free Choice/Centers
Today we listened to some piano music by John Tesh and Steven Tyrell.  We enjoyed playing with new toys, puzzles and looking at a fresh set of books this morning.  

Minnie Mouse and Daisy
This activity was great for our friends today to work on their fine motor skills as we had to dress Minnie and Daisy in different outfits.  They snapped onto each character which took some time for some of us but a great way to work our fingers! 

Letter X
This week we are learning about the letter X this letter is hard to come up with different words that start with X.  We are nearing the end of our alphabet book and we have been exposed to all the letters in the alphabet which is all that we need.  We will begin working on learning the letters to our first name after we finish with the letter Z.  We will still review the letters of the Alphabet and our books will becoming home at the end of the school year.  

Today we were introduced to the number 8 and we stamped 8 shamrocks onto the number 8. with purple ink.  We practiced counting 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 and saying the word shamrock.

St. Patrick's Day Bingo Dauber 
Today we practiced our fine motor skills with decorating a leprechaun for St. Patricks Day.  

Morning Meeting 
Happy Tuesday! 

New Month, New Calendar, New Cards and words to learn 
Dressed for dreary cold weather this first day of March.  
Themes for the month
Shamrocks yellow and green pattern for today! 
Letter of the week LETTER X
We read the book about colors and opposites!  This is one of my favorite authors we read another book by them today.  

This month we are finding a pot of gold to put under the rainbow.  Our name is on the pot of gold and we are listening and recognizing the first letter in our name. 

 Snack Time

Jesus Time
Today we learned of one of the great miracles of Jesus when he Calmed the Storms.  Jesus told the winds and the waves to STOP and they listened and Jesus followers were amazed at what he did.  After we read the story and sang a few Bible songs we watched a short video of Jesus Calming the Storm.  

Music and Movement 
We had fun doing lots of different songs during Music and Movement and were able to even do a St. Patrick's Day Song.  

                              Circle Time
We enjoyed hearing another book about Horns and Toes by the same author as the first book we read.  After we finished our story we played a shamrock matching game we had to match different numbers.

Center Time

Jesus Calmed the Storm
Today we colored a picture of Jesus calming the storm and then we painted the water that Jesus calmed Blue with water colors.  

Cutting with Scissors
Today we cut green strips of paper to decorate a shamrock

Coloring and Easter Egg
we used markers today to decorate a beautiful Easter Egg

Circle Time
We finished our day out with a story about the Lost Puppy and how sad he was to be the last to be chosen and then we prayed for Lunch.  Ask your child if they can do the Shark Prayer it is a new prayer we are learning this month.  

A great day of playing and learning on the first day of March!   

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