Tuesday, December 15, 2015


Well, we are here to our last week of school for the year 2015.  It has gone so fast and it is crazy to think that when we come back after Christmas break it will be 2016!!  We had a very busy day in our classroom today.  We did some glittering, reviewing our studies of the triangle, the color green, the number 5 and learning about the letter O.  We also were busy hearing and reviewing the Christmas Story that we have started to really get to know.  We will continue our journey of the Christmas Story when we return to school in January.  We talked about Christmas and continued to increase our vocabulary with Christmas words new and old.    A couple of reminders are below:

Christmas Break begins on Friday, December 18 at 12:00 and the school campus will be closed until school begins again on Monday, January 04, 2016.   

Christmas Presents from Mrs. Wegener and myself to our little friends will becoming home this week as well as presents that your children made for you.    

Our Advent Chapel Service will be held this Thursday… If your child does not attend school on Thursday, I hope you will still join us for this time together in our church sanctuary.  This service will last no longer than 30 minutes and I encourage you to attend with your child if you can.  We will be walking to the chapel at 8:05.  If you are attending with your child we would love for you to walk with us to the church.  If you could please let me know if you will be attending before Thursday that would be great.  We will be leaving at 8:05 if you arrive after this time you will have to meet us in Zion's Church Sanctuary.  You may invite whomever you wish.  We will be worshipping on the floor, down by the alter.  Mrs. Haun will have copies of the service to share with you all.  Pastor Rouland, Arianne Sturr(Our DCE Intern), and Cheryl Haun will be leading the service.  After the service is over we will walk back to our classroom and those who are staying for school on Thursday will come back for a fun filled last day of school and the rest of my friends will go home with mom and dad.  

Our early childhood parents help to purchase $910 in gift cards; our door offering the Early Childhood Advent Service was $851.50; we will be spending the Thrivent seed money of $250 plus $100 on toys or actual gift items. Our total comes to $2111.50 for Friends of Kids with Cancer. Thank you for embracing our service project. It means so much to the families of Drew Albritton and Glenn Markway. We cannot change the events of the past, but we can help others face the future in the Name of Jesus :) .

Enjoy reading and viewing pictures from our day!

Free Choice 
Today we continued to listen to a variety of Christmas music during our Free Choice Time….Mrs. Haun has made it possible and is moving small moutains in our program and was able to purchase a 40 Inch Flat Screen Television for our classoom.  We will be able to listen to music and view different things through out the school year with this awesome addition to our classroom.  Whats even better is we are able to play our music to the television a slide show will run during the day of what the kiddos have been up to in the classroom kind of like the blog.  Please be sure and check it out and Thank you Mrs. Haun for all her hard work and efforts to make our program better than it already is!  

We had fun doing a variety of puzzles this morning.  The one Amelia Schmidt and Carson are working on below has been a favorite in our classroom the past couple of weeks.  

Green Play Dough
We have enjoyed using the Christmas cookie cutters to make a vairety of different cut outs with the green play dough we have had in our classroom this month.  We have been able to work our creative side, our fine motor skills, and work on strenghting our hand muscles. We are also able to work on learning new and different Christmas words to help increase our vocabulary and work on our language and speech skills.  

Dry Erase and Chalk Board
Our markers have returned and we have loved using them and creating different things on our board.  This activity is great to work on our creativity, writing skills and strengthen our arm muscles. 

Today with Mrs. Horn we were given a variety of different Christmas pictures we had to identify the picture and then glue it on our green paper.  Some of the pictures were pictures of Baby Jesus, Mary Joseph, Star, Angel, Christmas Lights, Wreath, Christmas Tree, Presents, Stockings and Santa Claus.  This helped us with identification as well as working on increasing our vocabulary and language skills. 

This week we worked on the letter O.  Today we worked in our Alphabet Books on the letter O.  When working in this book we are hearing the sound the letter makes and hearing different words that start with the letter we are studying.  This is all exposure to help your child take the first leaps into preschool and beyond.  

 Magnet Board
Each month we have something different on our Magnet Board.  Some months it goes with something we are learning and talking about and other months has to do with just exposure to numbers and letters. This month we have a nativity magnet set up there.  It is great to see my friends use the board to tell the Christmas Story no matter their age or numbers of days they come they are all learning something from this activity and are taking away something.  

 Imaginative Play 
I am starting to see more interactive play in the classroom rather than parellel play.  I am seeing friends working and playing together.  It is so neat to see the transitions happening in our classroom.  Play is such an important part of our Early Childhood Program and it is highly encouraged in our classroom and the Preschool classrooms here at Zion.  

Today we got in touch with our sensory side as we painted our foot today for a special gift that will becoming home this week for you all to cherish in the years to come and to look back on this great time in your child's life of when they were so little.  When they say time goes by in a blink of an eye it does. 

Today our friends picked out a Christmas Picture and practiced gluing their picture on some green paper and then decorating the back of the paper.  These special cards will becoming home with your child's special gift they made for you. 

Carson was super proud of himself he wrote his name all by himself on the back of his card.  This is one of the things I love about this age.  They are always learning and growing and are always so proud of the things they accomplish.  


Our morning meeting started off with a special visitor today.  Mrs. Haun the Early Childhood Director here at Zion came in and read us a story about Little Blue Truck and the Christmas Tree.  All of my friends did a fabulous job listening to Mrs. Haun.  Mrs. Haun is a good friend to our program and we love when she comes to play and visit.  

Her book lit up at the end with beautiful Christmas Lights so we had to turn the lights off for the full effect! 
 The rest of our Morning Meeting went on as usual (the pictures are at the bottom of the blog)

Transistion and Snack
We continued to decorate our Christmas tree with ornaments with our name on it.  Your child's ornament will come home this week on their last day of school.  This is a great way for your child to work on learning their name and color identification.  

Standing in line after using the bathroom.
We have started doing something new when we are getting ready to go into the classroom or leave the classroom.  Each child has to do something before they can walk back into the classroom.  This is to control us from all running through the door at one time and to use our walking feet as well as work on our listening skills and sometimes memory and gross motor skills.  Today we had to jump up two times and give me a double High Five.  


Jesus Time
Today we talked again about the Christmas Story and what happen on that one Spectacular Night! 

Circle Time
We did not go outside today or to the commons we had a lot going on and so we moved right onto circle time and it gave us pleanty of time for a long extra music and movement time.  So during Circle time we read this story about Duck and Goose getting ready for Christmas and how they went about decorating their Christmas Tree.  

Our flannel board story for the month has been about 5 Yummy Gingerbread Men.  We did a follow up center about the 5 Yummy Gingerbread Men today.  That will becoming home later in the week.  

Center Time 
More Christmas music was played during this time as we worked on centers and playing with our friends.  

Candy Cane Patterning 
Today we used a red ink pad and our finger to decorate the red parts of the candy cane to make a red and white candy cane.  When we were finished we got to use some Green glitter to make the bow on our candy cane sparkle!  This was a great activity to work on our sensory skills, fine motor skills and patterning skills.  

5 Yummy GingerBread 
We had to cut 5 Gingerbread Men out and then glue them onto a plate.  Once they were cut out we told the flannel board story and glued our gingerbread on our plate.  We did a great job with this activity.  Some friends are still needing help using the scissors and that is ok we are in the exposure phase and everyone is working and learning at their own pace.  

Working as a team to complete the puzzle.  

Today my friends started to play hide and seek.  They did ok with no adult instruction.  

Carson counting

Carson trying to "hide"


We used different Christmas stamps today to make a book to help us with some of the words we have learned over the past couple of weeks.  These will becoming home over the course of the week.  You should let your child  "read" their I See Christmas Book to you. This is a great stepping stone into learning how to read.  

A little break in the action to read a book! 

We had lots of fun playing with the jingle bells today and singing Jinging Bells as we walked around the table another totally iniatited child activity.  No adult intervention or direction took place during this activity.  

Coloring a Nativity Picutre
Today with Mrs. Wegener we colored a picture of the Christmas Story and talked about it as well.  We used our crayons to help us work on our pencil grip and pre-writing skills.  

We love this time of the day and had a blast doing 5 Days Old, Jumping and Counting and Jump Turn Around.  

 The Rest of Morning Meeting 

Continuation of Music and Movement

The book we read before lunch.  

Our prayer for the month Of December 

Transition and Lunch Time 

WHEW!  We had a busy jammed packed day.  I hope you enjoyed viewing our day and blessings on a wonderful evening.   

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